Vendor Onboarding and Security

Access our comprehensive documents to cover the most common information and security requests we receive for vendor onboarding. If you do not find the information you need in the Short Form, please refer to the Long Form. If you have additional questions, please click here to submit a ticket and we would be happy to assist you.

Download links for both forms can be found at the bottom of this article.

PDQ on Security:

SOC 2: PDQ is SOC 2 compliant and will continue to undergo routine audits for updated reports. Click here to Request the latest SOC 2 report.

We take our customers’ security very seriously. Some of our most commonly requested security questions are answered in the link below. For additional information, please review our Privacy Policy: Privacy Policy | PDQ

For information pertaining specifically to PDQ Deploy & Inventory:
PDQ Deploy & Inventory | Product Security Guide

Additional security information for other PDQ products can be found here:
PDQ Product Security | PDQ


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