Initiate a Dameware Remote Control session with PDQ Inventory

If you use Dameware Mini Remote Control and PDQ Inventory then you are in luck. You can initiate your Dameware remote control sessions right from PDQ Inventory using Custom Tools. The Custom Tools feature requires PDQ Inventory Pro mode. ***Note, this example I am using version 7.5 of Dameware Mini Remote Control***

From your Preferences window choose Custom Tools. Click Add Tool. Give your command a title. Add the path to your Dameware dwrcc.exe file. My command line is:

"C:\Program Files\DameWare Development\DameWare Mini Remote Control 7.5\dwrcc.exe" -c: -h: -m:%TARGET% -a:1


"C:\Program Files\DameWare Development\DameWare Mini Remote Control 7.5\dwrcc.exe" -c: -h: -m:$(Computer:TARGET) -a:1

I added a shortcut of Ctrl+Shift+D

Note that the path above references the dwrcc.exe on the CONSOLE machine. Not the target. That is a primary difference between Custom Tools vs. Remote Commands. A Remote Command actually runs a command FROM the target system.

Custom Tools have builtin variables that you can use. In this case I am using %TARGET% which will be expanded with the computer name of the whatever computer is selected when I run the custom tool.


You can call your Custom Tool from the Tools menu of a computer, by right clicking on the computer in a collection or by running any keyboard shortcut that you defined (in this case CTRL+SHIFT+D).


This will open the Dameware Console and automatically attempt to connect to the computer Quintana using your current logged on credentials.


The link below is fairly old but I have used it for years to find the approrpriate dwrcc.exe command line parameters.

To see available variables in Custom Tools see the PDQ Inventory documentation:

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