How to export packages and collections

Whether you're moving your PDQ Deploy and Inventory instance to another device, sharing a package/collection with a friend or colleague, or using PDQ Migrate, this guide will walk you through the process of exporting package(s) and collection(s).

Exporting Packages

  1. With Deploy open, select the package or packages (hold ctrl and select multiple packages) you want to export
  2. Once the package(s) are selected, click File and Export from the main menu bar
  3. Enter a new name or use the existing and save to a location of your choosing

That's it, those packages are ready to go!

Exporting Collections

  1. With Inventory open, select the collection or collections (hold ctrl and select multiple packages) you want to export
  2. Once the collection(s) are selected, click File and Export from the main menu bar
  3. Enter a new name or use the existing and save to a location of your choosing
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