Choose Login and Authentication Options for Your Account


PDQ users have several login methods available, and can have one option configured at a time. Depending on your organization's settings, you may be required to use a specific method as configured by your account owner or administrator

Choose your Authentication method

To choose your authentication method, log into the PDQ billing portal, and click on Profile, or go directly to this page:

On your profile page, you will see three options available:

These options include:

  • Passwordless with email (a six-digit code will be sent to your email address to be used for each login)
  • Link your Google account for single sign-on (SSO)
  • Link your Microsoft account for single sign-on (SSO)

Please note, your organization may require you to use a specific method, or may enable other methods such as OIDC login. 

If you select Passwordless with email as your login option, you will be required to enable Multi-Factor Authentication. See this article for details and options:

Configure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Settings

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