This is a TEMPLATE package that REQUIRES YOU to make additional MODIFICATIONS to complete the package: A template package contains the framework for a package, but removes the actual installation\configuration files to comply with EULA restrictions regarding licensing and redistribution.
Name: TEMPLATE - Office 365 / Office 2019 / Office 2021
Publisher: Microsoft
Supported Operating Systems: Win 8.1, 10, 11, Server 2016, 2019, 2022
Supported Architecture: 32/64
1. Download the Office Deployment Tool:
2. Run the downloaded file and OVERWRITE all files in: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository\PDQTemplates\Office365
3. Open a browser and launch the Office Customization Tool:
4. Choose if you want a 32Bit or 64Bit installation.
5. Choose the correct Office 365, 2019 or 2021 version that is licensed for your organization.
6. IMPORTANT: Choose Office Content Delivery Network (CDN) for a Click-To-Run installation OR Choose Local Source for the Source Path if you want to host the installation files and set the path to the UNC Path to the setup.exe file, e.g.: \\PDQ_SERVER_HOSTNAME\c$\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository\PDQTemplates\Office365
7. Make sure to set Show Installation to User to OFF
8. Export your CONFIGURATION.XML file and OVERWRITE the existing file in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository\PDQTemplates\Office365\
9. IF YOU CHOSE LOCAL SOURCE in your configuration, then open an elevated PowerShell window and run the following command:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Repository\PDQTemplates\Office365\setup.exe /download configuration.xml
Then wait. It will take some time to download. (You can SKIP this step if you chose Office Content Delivery Network (CDN))
Note: Because the Office installation files are not technically associated with the package, if you keep your Office installation files in your PDQ Deploy Repository, you will want to make sure to exclude the files and / or directory that contains these files from the PDQ Deploy Repository Cleanup.
This option can be found in Options > Preferences > Repository > See Unused Files. In the Repository Cleanup menu, find and highlight the Office installation files (or the directory they are present in) and select either Exclude File(s) or Exclude Directory.
This is not applicable if you chose Office Content Delivery Network (CDN) for the source files or if you are not placing your Office installation files in your PDQ Deploy Repository.
10. Now examine the install step in the package and ensure that the paths\filenames are correct.
11. Test deploying the package to a few clients and confirm proper installation.
Sample Office 365 Click-to-Run configuration.xml file:
<Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Current">
<Product ID="O365BusinessRetail">
<Language ID="en-us" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Access" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Groove" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Lync" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Publisher" />
<ExcludeApp ID="Teams" />
<Updates Enabled="TRUE" />
<RemoveMSI />
<Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
<Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />
See Also:
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