Target Filter shows as failed
Is it possible to set PDQ Deploy so that if you have a computer excluded by a target filter, it won't show up in the deployment report as "Failed" We have a lot of exclusions, so we're getting like 100+ failures on each deployment, when many of those have already been excluded. Thanks.
I have been begging for this as well. It really messes with reporting when I know that the machine is going to fail, as I have excluded it.
I am looking for the same!
I will put this in as an internal feature request. In the meantime, I suggest creating a collection in PDQ Inventory as a filter so you don't deploy to those targets at all. You could either create a Dynamic collection with filters like "Computer | Name | Does Not Contain | Stuff", or you could create a Static Collection with the targets you want to avoid and a Dynamic collection with a Group Filter of "Not All" and a Value Filter of "Member of Collection | Name | Equals | the static collection you just created".

I have created a Dynamic Collection with all Computers which are connected via VPN. (Different IP address)
I would like to exclue this Group now in PDQ Deploy. Any Idea how i can do this right now?
Create a Dynamic Collection that references your VPN collection like my screenshot.
Thanks, it works for my Dynamic Collections.
But it will not work for the Collection Library right?
You can modify the collection to include targets that are a member of the collection from the Collection Library that you want.
Thank you, this helped a lot!