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Not planned

Package Request - Respondus Lockdown Browser

We (Brevard County secondary techs) are being tasked with installing the Respondus Lockdown Browswer required for a student test. We can get the .exe file, but the managed installation seems convoluted. Our alternative is to do them one at a time by hand. Thanks.



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  • Official comment

    Hey Wendy,

    Because this particular software requires you to have a license to even download it, we'll have to mark this as Not Planned for now.

    If you need help creating a package for your environment please let me know and i'll do my best to help. I found a guide on the Publisher's website on how to create a silent install of this particular software, it's not a simple process, but it can be done, the link is below.

    Silently Install Lockdown Browser

  • clicked on the button and it went to -1 instead of +1 ???

  • Nate, thanks for following up, but I was able to figure it out.  Thanks.


  • John,

    Would you mind sharing your package to me so i can show other users how to create a package for this? 


    Respondus BrowserLockdownLabOem for Ready to Work testing




    First download the latest version.


    Then copy it to a folder on C:\Temp


    From a command line: LockDownBrowserLabOEMSetup.exe /r


    Go thru the install process


    Then go to c:\Windows and find the newly created setup.iss file, copy that file to a folder


    Then re-run the command LockDownBrowserLabOEMSetup.exe /r


    Find the new setup.iss and rename it UnSetup.iss




    Put the LockDownBrowserLabOEMSetup.exe, the setup.iss and Unsetup.iss files in a folder named Respondus on your repository.  


    PDQ job


    Step 1 is a file copy the contents of the Repository\Respondus folder to the c:\temp folder on the computer you are installing it on.


    Step 2 is a command line c:\temp\LockDownBrowserLabOEMSetup.exe /s /a /f1"c:\temp\setup.iss"


    To uninstall you just duplicate the job and change it to


    c:\temp\LockDownBrowserLabOEMSetup.exe /s /a /f1"c:\temp\Unsetup.iss"




    You can use a RD /S /Q “C:\Temp” command if you want to delete the files when done if you want.



    I can email you the packages if you want, as a follow up

  • John,

    Thanks! Please go ahead and email the package to support and it'll be assigned to me. That way i can take screenshots. It's hard to create a package and test it if you don't have the files, so this would help a lot, thanks!

  • These steps are not working for me. Any suggestions?

  • I found my mistake. I was trying to use the .iss method because the .msi was not working. I needed to check the box for "Include Entire Directory" in the details tab of the .msi installer step, and the installation worked perfectly.
