Add domain users to local admin on remote pc
I want to add a domain user to the local admin group to the computers in 1 of or labs. I don't want the domain user to have admin in the whole domain just that 1 lab. I think that this can be done with Powershell but I am a noob at scripting and need some assistance.
If I can make this into a package and deploy it to the lab that would save a tremendous amount of time.
Thank you.
Where $computer = the target hostname. If you package this and deploy it to computers setting this to $env:COMPUTERNAME will do the trick.
$Domain = the domain name you need to use for the user account to add
$Username = the username you wish to add to the local admin group.
Example usage in a Powershell step:
When I return from lunch and have a proper environment to code and test I'll fix you right up. This is simple.
Worked like a charm.
Thank you.
Excellent. Glad to help.
Steven, I'm trying to modify this script and deploy using PDQDeploy
I was trying to use the following syntax so that I would not have to update the user name when delpoying it to different workstations, however I can't get it to work. Is it possible to do what I'm requesting?
$GroupObj = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Env:COMPUTERNAME/Administrators"
You don't need the % around username:
So can we do this? $domain = $userName = jsmith $GroupObj = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Env:COMPUTERNAME/Administrators" $GroupObj.Add("WinNT://$domain/$userName")