Automatic Database Backup
I'm trying to change the backup target for automatic database backup for Inventory and Deploy; however, if I change it to a network share, I get the message "Invalid Backup Location". I know the credentials I'm using work on the target share, and they are domain admin credentials. What could cause that?
Are you specifying the target as a UNC path or mapped drive? If your Background Service is running as a different user, does that user have access to the target?
UNC target like this: \\computername\c$\backup
Background service is running as the same user account.
Rob - is the user account in the Administrators group? The C$ is a part of administrative shares with restricted access. They are (in Win7 and up) blocked for external access by default. To enabe it you have to set:
REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy /t REG_DWORD /d 0x00000001 /f
If I remember correctly, it work only on PRO editions of windows.
I suggest you create a share on the backup folder itself. Then set the share permissions (Sharing tab) to everyone with full access and restrict the access with appropriate settings on the Security tab.
Yes, the account is a member of the domain admins group and is the same account being used to scan/deploy, which work fine. I can access the C$ share through Windows Explorer without issue.
I do have the Pro version of both Inventory and Deploy.
I'll try setting up a share for the backup folder.
What is the version number of Deploy and Inventory that you are running?
What happens if you hit Open Directory Location?
Also, is this the error you are seeing? I was only able to get this to show up by partially entering the FQDN of my target.
That's the exact error I was getting. Looks like when I append the "domain.local" suffix to the hostname, it works. Thanks for your help!