Adobe Reader DC Continuous (non MUI)
I was testing the patch and install packages for Adobe Reader DC today (Continuous track)
I noticed that the install package (not the update) installs the MUI version by default. I am pretty sure I can find the non MUI .exe online and replace it in my depository, but I am wondering if we can have a separate option for non MUI installs?
The reason we choose the MUI version is our attempt to meet the broadest audience possible with our packages. We also hope in the future to have a multi-language software so these types of packages go along with that.
We also try not to release several different versions of the same package as one of our goals is to have many more packages in our library, and due to man power, the more versions of a package we have the less we can accommodate more packages in the future.
That being said, the more requests we have for a package the more likely it will be published. So let's see what others have to say and hopefully we'll get more feedback.
I, for one, am thankful for MUI versions as our employees receive PDFs from a dozen different languages, including many in Asia.
I agree, the MUI version is awesome for an enterprise that needs it. Our university currently runs the standard DC installation and has for a while with no complaints.
In the end, I simply customized the package to meet my needs. I am loving the fact that I can tweak installations to meet unique needs while eliminating a lot of the time it took me to research silent/unattended/configured deployment methods for software installs.
As you may have experienced in IT, we usually have to wear multiple hats when it comes to job duties. Taking a little work off of my plate in one area helps me invest time in others.