Chrome Enterprise Flash fix
We have been running into a bunch of users complaining about flash being out of date in their Chrome. We use the Chrome Enterprise in AutoDeploy. The built in Adobe Flash has not been updating as it should with a new Chrome update.
The fix I have found is to remove the C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\PepperFlash\VERSIONNUMBERHERE folder before the update installs. Would it be possible to have the package library version have an additional step added before the install to remove this folder? It is automatically recreated upon installation but with the new/updated version.
I was reading about the issue you've been having.
Because this issue is only affecting a small subset of Chrome users and because the fix requires touching user files, we would prefer not to make a step in our package that deletes those user files for anyone that installs the package.
However, i do want to figure this issue out with you. Hopefully Google will release a fix soon for this, but until then there is something i want you to try if you're able to. Let's see if we can get you up and running without touching those user files.
The first thing i would do is disable component updates through a GPO, to stop chrome from trying to auto update flash and overwriting anything we try next. You can find that setting in the picture bellow.
After that's done I want to see if manually updating Pepper Flash (PPAPI) will fix this issue. We have a package for this titled "Adobe Flash for PPAPI". You can install it separately or if you want you can even make it a deployment that installs alongside chrome.
Please try this and let me know if that works. I am unable to test this myself as our environment is unable to replicate the Chrome flash update issue.
I fully understand the not wanting to use the shotgun approach! I will try that out the next time one of our users notify us of the bug.