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Uninstalling application requiring a password


Is it possible to uninstall software which requires a password.  I have the msi file but when you uninstall this manually it requires a password.  I need to remove this on a number of clients and can't find a way to do this via PDQ.


Any help would be much appreciated




Date Votes
  • It depends on the application. Some like Trusteer Rapport have a parameter for doing this. You will need to consult the application's documentation. If that doesn't return anything you may have to contact the applications support team.

    What is the application? Other people in this forum may already have experience with it.

  • Hi Colby,

    Thanks for the reply.  The application is Checkpoint Endpoint.  I'll check with the vendors as well

    Thanks again!

  • HI Rinku,

    Did you make any progress with this? I've tried various methods but just get the 1603 response. Have added logging and I think the fail occurs in this section:


    Action start 17:51:00: VerifyUninstPWD.
    VerifyUninstPWD: command is: C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\\{0B953DC1-AE11-4D48-9921-8BC8F4AFFDE3}\hash.exe verify ****** Return code: 4 set ALLOW_REMOVAL: 0
    Action ended 17:51:01: VerifyUninstPWD. Return value 0.
    Action start 17:51:01: BlockAddRemovePrograms.
    MSI (s) (38:3C) [17:51:01:174]: Product: Check Point Endpoint Security -- Error 27557.Removing Check Point Endpoint Security is not allowed. Please check that the password you have entered is correct or contact your system administrator

    Error 27557.Removing Check Point Endpoint Security is not allowed. Please check that the password you have entered is correct or contact your system administrator
    Action ended 17:51:01: BlockAddRemovePrograms. Return value 3.


    If you've found the correct way to use PDQ to uninstall Checkpoint Endpoint I'd be very grateful if you could share.



  • Just made some progress on this so thought I would share just in case anyone else finds it useful.

    Have successfully used the following string in an uninstall package:

    MsiExec.exe /qn /norestart /X{0B953DC1-AE11-4D48-9921-8BC8F4AFFDE3} UNINST_PASSWORD=<your password>

    I found the MSI code using PDQ inventory. Double click on a machine with the client on then go into applications then right click on the Checkpoint client and select "uninstall". This will being up the string to uninstall the client.

    This worked but obv only works for a specific msi, next step is to try to programmatically find the msi so it will work with different versions of the client that might be out there.

    Hope that helps

  • Here is a PowerShell script that Chris James wrote for Paint.NET that should work for you if you change a few parameters.

    # Attempts to Uninstall

    $SoftwareName = ""
    $Publisher = "dotPDN LLC"

    ForEach ( $Architecture in "SOFTWARE", "SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node" ) {

    $Uninstall = "HKLM:\$Architecture\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall"
    $UninstallString = ( Get-ItemProperty "$Uninstall\*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { ($_.DisplayName -match $SoftwareName ) -and ($_.Publisher -match $Publisher ) } ).PsChildName

    If ( $UninstallString -ne $null ) {

    ForEach ( $Install in $UninstallString ) {

    Write-Output "Uninstalling: $(( Get-ItemProperty "$Uninstall\$UninstallString" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).DisplayName ) $((Get-ItemProperty "$Uninstall\$UninstallString" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).DisplayVersion )"
    Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "MsiExec.exe" -ArgumentList "/X $UninstallString /qn /norestart"


    Else {

    Write-Output "No $SoftwareName installation detected in: $Uninstall."
