File Copy for specific user profiles only
Hi all,
Is there any way to filter the File Copy step in a package, so it is only applied for specific Active Directory users? (e.g. copying a shortcut to the desktop within specific Windows profiles)
Many thanks in advance,
PS - I'm guessing there isn't any way to do this in PDQ, as the package is pushed on a schedule or heartbeat, rather than being pulled in response to a startup/logon event (as with Group Policy)
No, I think you would need to use a PowerShell step for that.
Colby once again beating me too things. Kudos on the Cthulu btw ;)
Colby's approach is a great one. Try it and let us know.
Thanks Colby and Stephen.
I'm evaluating Deploy and Inventory at the moment, so just wondered if there was some way of targeting an AD group natively. If scripting is the only way, I'll give it a try at some stage, and let you know.
All the best,