Not planned
Microsoft Mouse and Keyboard Center
It would be nice to have a package of this so that I can push out to my various PC's without them needing to search windows update.
Hey Ross, thanks for taking the time to write in this request. Just a preliminary check on this software doesn’t reveal it to be incredibly popular or in demand, so it may not get included in the package library. Don’t get discouraged, if demand changes and we may include it in the future.
You could always build the package yourself, here’s the process I used to setup and deploy the package for Microsoft Keyboard and Mouse Center:
Started by downloading the latest version (2.8) from Microsoft: Here
I used the ENG language version, but I would guess any other language would be interchangeable within the package.
Next I tried using some traditional silent install parameters with no luck. After some Googling I found some information about the install parameters on TechNet.
Then I tested on a machine locally, in an elevated command prompt using the /silentinstall parameter. Success! From there, I put together a package with 2 steps. Step one for 32-bit machines and step two for 64-bit machines. Included conditions on both steps for the proper O/S architecture and deployed. Success the second!
Here’s a look at the package:
Some additional notes, it looks like the EXE includes some pre-reqs for .NET Framework, which shouldn’t be a problem as PDQ Deploy and Inventory both require this as well.
Give this a try and let me know if you’re seeing different results or errors!
Thanks! I'd tried to make one but it wasn't happy. I think the /silentinstall and the correct success codes have resolved the issues I was experiencing!