.NET monthly security- and quality rollup
Hello all
We install Windows Updates using the monthly rollup packages provided within the PDQ-Library. To make it even more convenient for all users I'd suggest to include the .NET Framework monthly rollups as well. Here some information:
Application name: Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework
Vendor/Publisher: Microsoft
Application Version: As released by Microsoft
Download links to the Software: Example of the May-Update http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/search.aspx?q=4019113
Currently we package the software on our own and it would save others and us quite some time to have this package included.
Thank you in advance and best regards
Would love to see this implemented.
I would love to see this as well.
Can someone from PDQ comment on this? Is this something on your roadmap?
Pardon the Necro posting but, this would be nice to have.
Also bumping the corpse: This would be really nice.
Another bump here. Please let us know either way.
This feature is really needed by PDQ to provide to complete MS OS patch management solution
We've looked into adding this to the Package Library, but we don't have any plans to do so at this time. We currently recommend using WSUS for patches like this.
Any update regarding this request, we are still doing .net framework patching manually.
Bump from me too. Just today I'm looking to move from WSUS to PDQ for Windows Updates. But if I still have to have WSUS around for .Net, then I might as well use it for Windows Updates as well to keep everything in one system. I don't want to user WSUS for some things and PDQ for other things. That'd be more work.
Same here looking to move from WSUS to PDQ. Adding these in the Package Library along with the corresponding Collection Library, to identify when the update is needed, would be helpful.
Bump! This would be very helpful for us as well. Please add this.
PDQ, please! Handling these manually, but there are constant updates and security vulnerabilities.
BUMP. Just spent a lot of time configuring our server environment for PDQ patching. Without .NET it is a waste of time.
Hi All,
Could you narrow down more specifically what packages you would like to see? If I do a search for .NET Framework, it returns multiple packages with many of them EOL operating systems (see screenshot) What specific packages/OS flavors are most important to you?
Additionally, many customers don't know that we added the PSWindowsUpdate packages to our library and this might be a better option instead of having to identify the different .NET packages you need as well as patching additional Microsoft patches beyond .NET. Please check that out and let us know.
Be careful with the PSWindowsUpdate packages to update .NET. We ran the audit only version and it checked for updates, installed and automatically rebooted servers even though we had a GPO in place for years to restrict this. We have triple checked the logs that the audit only was the only package deployed.
@Chad, in short, I think we'd all like to see the packaging of the same .Net updates that appear in WSUS. I've always wondered why they're not included in the package library, when the cumulative updates are.
Every month we push the ones called something like:
YYYY-MM Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5, 4.72, and 4.8 for Windows Server 20##
Microsoft is now releasing cumulative patches for the .NET Framework family just like they do monthly patches for the operating systems.
This is taking up so much of my time sifting through this and building the packages, it makes me want to look at ditching PDQ and moving back to WSUS.
All, I've been looking into this and started with a Microsoft catalog list of about 100 variations, but I believe I've got it narrowed down to this list (based on October 2023 Patches):
Can you all take a look at this and confirm that these would cover what you're wanting to patch?
Hi Chad,
That looks good to me!
Yes, looks good! Thank you!
Looks good!!
Also, I could be wrong, but it seems like some months the .Net Framework patches are "Updates" and some months they are "Security Updates". Maybe it just depends on what's getting fixed each month, but something to keep in mind. I know some place that only install "Security Updates" each month...
These packages should now be available in the Package Library.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!!
Thank you for the package !!!