Not planned
CyberReason RansomFree
RansomFree is a tool that helps you protect against Ransomware. Review about the tool here:
Link to the tool here;
Might be a good extra line of defense against ransomware threads, especially as it's free, so a good solution for IT dep. that are on a tight budget ;)
Hi there Rudy, we reviewed this software's license and they are very clear that they do not want the licensee making this software available to third parties:
"Licensee will not transfer, lease, distribute, assign, license, sell or otherwise commercially exploit the Cybereason Software or make the Cybereason Software available to a third party."
Luckily, this doesn't stop you from making a package for RansomFree to deploy in your environment. Since the installer is an MSI installer it is a breeze to load RansomFree into a PDQ Deploy package. However, do note while I was reviewing the software it does have a nag window on the first launch after install, per user account, that I have been unable to disable from appearing.
Thanks for reviewing the software, sorry to hear that the license prevents distribution of this software.