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PDQ Inventory to collect warranty information

Hi, we just purchased PDQ inventory and would like to utilize it to gather warranty information. Is this possible? All of our hardware is either Dell or HP.



Date Votes
  • Hello everyone.  Has anyone figured this out yet?  I was about to get started looking at the API documentation from Dell and then try to figure out how to inject this info into PDQ.  But, before I did that, I wanted to see if anyone has made any progress.  Thank you!

  • It really depends on how HP and Dell calculate the start date of a warranty.

    If the warranty starts from the point you install your chosen OS on them, then you can use a basic report to find Computer > OS Install Date. Depending on how much information Inventory can pull in under the "System" section, you can also gather things like serial numbers that might be linked to warranty information. If the warranties are determined by the OS install date, you could probably use DATEADD in a SQL report to find the end date of the warranty based on warranty duration.

    Warranty information isn't something that Inventory collects directly as far as I know, but you can easily pull things like model, serial number, and install dates that can help you organize/add to preexisting warranty information.


  • I know that Dell has an API via TechDirect that allows you to pull warranty information directly from their records based off of Service Tag information from a Given PC. 


    Inventory doesn't natively support warranty information, but a powershell script with some Invoke-Restmethod and SQL would be able to add that information to Inventory as a Custom Variable. Likely, at least. It would take a fair amount of legwork to get correct.

  • Actually, this would be relatively easy.  Instead of storing the actual dates PDQ should store the URL that can be used to verify the warranty status.  For example, with Dell, the following URL will give warranty information for a Serial Number (service tag):




  • Has anyone found a way to get this info into Inventory?

  • Is there even a way to add a field for warranty date if discovered by other means?

  • Any progress, on getting this information into Inventory?

    We also are trying to find a way to store the Dell Mfg. Date, as it relates to the Dell Service Tag.

  • I was just looking for the same info. 

  • I had a similar issue and built a solution in PowerShell:

    It fetches the "Ship Date" and the warranty data from the Dell API and stores them in custom fields in PDQ Inventory.

  • a quick and dirty way I did was create a CMD under "Tools" and added this to it:


    It takes the machine service tag and added to the dell warranty page and shows it to you. It's only for Dell PCs tho.
