Bluebeam Revu
Has anyone been successful in building a package for Bluebeam Revu? Mine usually gets to the Install step, and hangs. Bluebeam appears on the computer, but when attempting to open, says Bluebeam Revu is currently installing, and never finishes. After rebooting the computer, the install is broken.
I have steps to stop Bbprint, uninstall previous versions, install C++ 2015, and then:
msiexec.exe /i "Bluebeam Revu x64 17.msi" BB_EDITION=0 DA=1 ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log
Any suggestions on next steps to configure this? Thanks.
Well, as usual, immediately after posting, a new result... After the deployment ran about 16 minutes, I aborted it in PDQ, rebooted the computer, and Bluebeam is working fine! So now the issue seems that I need to tweak it so PDQ and the computer realize the install is complete?
Changed the install line to:
msiexec.exe /i "Bluebeam Revu x64 17.msi" BB_SERIALNUMBER=TRIAL BB_EDITION=0 DA=1 /qn
and added a 1638 to the success codes,
let it install for 22 minutes, aborted (the task manager shows no installation tasks, or much else of anything for several minutes), logging off/on and BB still says Currently Installing, after reboot it runs perfectly.
Have you tested a computer by just running that install from a command line manually? Does it finish when doing that? Can you toss a /Log <somepath> to the end of it when you do so you can have some output as to what's going on?
From the CMD prompt, using this command:
msiexec.exe /i "M:\Bluebeam\2017\MSIBluebeamRevu17.0.10x64\Bluebeam Revu x64 17.msi" BB_SERIALNUMBER=TRIAL BB_EDITION=0 DA=1 /qn /log output.log
It installed successfully in about 2 minutes. I uninstalled, then ran from PDQ Deploy, and this time it was successful. I have another computer to deploy soon, and will update when I try it.
When installing via PDQ Deploy, where is the output.log file saved to?
The resulting command line for my packaged version is:
Success codes 0,1641,3010
On some installs, the log exceeded the default size limit during the main installer step, PDQ support told me how to increase that. We also had to add a sleep before the ARP_Modifier step, or else the previous step (main installer) would sometimes interfere.
We're pulling from DFS shares, installs averaging 4-10 minutes depending on site and wired/wifi.
And about 2% of our installs had problems with the license for no known reason. A redeploy fixed them.
Would anyone be open to publishing their packages?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<AdminArsenal.Export Code="PDQDeploy" Name="PDQ Deploy" Version="" MinimumVersion="15.0">
<CurrentLibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
<PackageDefinition name="Definition">
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<InventoryScanProfileId value="2603" />
<IsDownloadApprovalModeInherited value="true" />
<ScanAfterDeployment value="true" />
<Steps type="list">
<Command>tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq revu.exe" | find /I /N "revu.exe"</Command>
<RunAs value="null" />
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<Title>Fails/aborts install if Bluebeam is running</Title>
<IsEnabled value="true" />
<IsPostStep value="false" />
<IsPreStep value="false" />
<FileName>\\\pdq\CustomPackages\Bluebeam\2017.0.20\Bluebeam Revu x64 17.msi</FileName>
<IncludeDirectory value="false" />
<LeaveInstallFile value="false" />
<MsiQuiet value="true" />
<RunAs value="null" />
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<Title>Install Bluebeam 2017.0.20</Title>
<IsEnabled value="true" />
<IsPostStep value="false" />
<IsPreStep value="false" />
<Seconds value="15" />
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<IsEnabled value="true" />
<IsPostStep value="false" />
<IsPreStep value="false" />
<TargetPackageId value="707" />
<TargetPackageName>[DFS] Set Bluebeam 2017.0.20 entry in Add/Remove to Standard Edition</TargetPackageName>
<TargetPackagePath>Custom\DFS Hosted\Applications\Bluebeam 2017.0.20\[DFS] Set Bluebeam 2017.0.20 entry in Add/Remove to Standard Edition</TargetPackagePath>
<RunAs value="null" />
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<Title>[DFS] Set Bluebeam 2017.0.20 entry in Add/Remove to Standard Edition</Title>
<IsEnabled value="true" />
<IsPostStep value="false" />
<IsPreStep value="false" />
<Message>Your Bluebeam update is complete!
You may resume regular operations.
Click OK or wait 60 minutes for this message to go away.</Message>
<ShowForSeconds value="3600" />
<WaitForUser value="true" />
<Conditions type="list">
<InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
<IsEnabled value="false" />
<IsPostStep value="false" />
<IsPreStep value="false" />
<Timeout value="60" />
<UseCustomTimeout value="false" />
<RunAs value="null" />
<NewLibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
<IsAutoDownload value="false" />
<FolderId value="44" />
<LibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
<Name>[DFS] Bluebeam Revu Standard 2017.0.20 x64 [silent][Aborts if Bluebeam running]</Name>
<Path>Custom\DFS Hosted\Applications\Bluebeam 2017.0.20\[DFS] Bluebeam Revu Standard 2017.0.20 x64 [silent][Aborts if Bluebeam running]</Path>
<PackageDisplaySettings name="DisplaySettings">
<SortOrder value="4" />
The other nested package it calls just contains an install step of
\\\pdq\CustomPackages\Bluebeam\2017.0.20\Bluebeam Revu x64\ARP_Modifier_v17020.exe standard
@grant Thank you.
BTW; You published some private info there.
I think I got it completely sanitized before posting.
DFS path, package names, Serial number and key have all been replaced with fakes.
Here is the command line that worked for me.
Does anyone know what the proper syntax for NOT rebooting after the full install?
REBOOT=ReallySuppress /norestart
or something else?
Sometimes when installing the computer will do a reboot without warning, which is disconcerting to the user :-)
I'm using "REBOOT=ReallySuppress"