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PDQ Deploy and Windows Features

This is probably an easy one (and probably answered many times)...can I get Deploy to turn on a Windows Feature in Windows 10?  If so, what are the steps?

Specifically, I need a package that will enable .Net 3.5 on some Windows 10 machines.



Date Votes
  • Powershell Step:

    Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name NetFx3~~~~

    Yes, the tildes are required.

  • Meh, don't do that. Doesn't work as intended I'm finding. Might need to go the DISM route. BRB, testing.

  • Thanks...I found a Package in the Package Library that worked for .Net 3.5. 

  • Bingo. 

    DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /Source:C:\temp\

    In my testing I had to use a source file. So you could use a Copy Step to copy over the file from your installation media's Sources/SXS folder.

    Powershell step to run the code above. 

    Second Powershell step to cleanup the file copied previous:

    Remove-Item C:\temp\ -Force