Tools are locked out
I migrated my site PDQ Inventory to a new server and also installed the latest version (13.2) I have an enterprise license which did transfer but the only thing I can't use are the Tools Library. They are mark as "Need Pro or Enterprise" I've tried swapping to Free mode and then back to Enterprise but they wont unlock. All the other Enterprise features are working.
I am unable to reproduce your issue. Please list the exact steps you took.
Installed PDQ Inventory on new server.
Opened it and clicked cancel on first popup.
I moved C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db to new server
Did an export of HKLM\SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory and then an import on new server
Started up PDQ Inventory
Typed in User info to start the service.
These steps are from: but I had no cookies ( ; _ ; )
I believe on the old server it was running version 10. It's already been uninstalled but the DB backup folder shows PDQInventory- 2200.db
Thank you for providing those details, but unfortunately I still can't reproduce your issue. Please contact Support.