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Master Updates Missing report

I'm jumping over to PDQ from Kaspersky because boss said so. :-) 

Kaspersky is very automated in it's scanning and reporting of patches available/missing. I'm starting to understand the process of PDQ deploy and auto deployment packages but I'm finding the whole report function of Inventory to be a bit of a mystery.  I get how to create a simple report of 'this app' is 'lower than current version' but I have to specify the version according to the youtube video I just watched.  

Is there a way to create a report - even if I have to go through and copy/paste all the filters from the dynamic collections that specify the 'old' versions and put them in one report? Please let me know if I'm not being clear enough. Basically I need a report that shows all the workstations on the network that are missing patches and what applications they are. 


 All All
Application Name Matches Pattern $(AppNameMozillaFirefox64)
Application Version Version Lower Than $(AppVerMozillaFirefox)
Application Name Does Not Contain ESR



1 comment
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  • You can create a report that shows every computer that is a member of a Collection with "(Old)" in its name. 
