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Uninstall Silverlight and original MSI is missing.

So..I've discovered that some of our PC's have very old versions of MS Silverlight that will not update due to a 1612 error.  A 1612 says, basically, that the original install file could not be found.  In my case, the install file was on a server that was decommissioned and removed from the network.  Because of this, I can't remove or update the installed copies of Silverlight.
The only work-around I've found is to use the MS Installer Cleanup and remove the Silverlight entry from the installer database.  The problem with this is that the Installer Cleanup has to be run interactively on each PC.

I've tried running the uninstall from within Deploy, but it fails with the 1612.

Is there any other way to uninstall Silverlight with PDQ?

