I need help make these collections better - help!
Currently, I have two dynamic collections to do with a piece of software.One looks to see if there is a specific file there and another looks to see if registry keys are there. These collections work perfectly fine.
The problem is, I have another two dynamic collections to see if the file and registry keys aren't there. Here:
I need to make these more reliable, as I have to go and update the other collections before they appear in the 'not there' collection. I've tried many different variations, but can't get anything to work the way I need it to.
Please, could someone help me out with this, as it's driving me crazy!
Hello Craig,
I'm assuming that your ultimate goal is to have two dynamic collections-- the first contains only computers that have this software and the second contains only computers that don't have this software?
In that case, instead of writing a bunch of inverse value filters to get the difference between "All Computers" and the first collection, you could just use one value filter: Computer/Collection/Is Not Member/<Your collection name>
If you are working with a subset of all your computers for both collections then you could have a parent collection that contains only the computers that should go into either collection and then make sure that you use the "Drill down from parent collection" option in both sub-collections.
Hi Luke, yes my ultimate goal is two have two dynamic collections (though 2 for the registry and 2 for the file). The problem with drilling down is that the collection for 'not there' is part of a group of a dynamic collection, where the parent collection contains all the computers from the sub-collections below it.
Not sure whether it is any use or not, but here are the 'installed' collections.
Could you export the relevant collections and then provide the .xml file? This will only give me the collection names, group filters, value filters, etc. and not any of the computer data contained within the collection.
It would be easier for me to understand if I could import it and view it in PDQ.
I have it all exported. I just don't know how to upload it.
You'll just have to copy and paste it into this box. I like to highlight the code bits and then hit the Paragraph symbol and change the formatting to code type. makes it a bit easier to distinguish code from text, especially in longer posts, like this:
Thanks for providing that export.
I'm going to summarize my understanding of what these collections are intended to do, please correct me if I'm wrong.
The "iTALC Master" collection should match on computer name in order to find computers that SHOULD have iTALC installed.
The "iTALC Master/iTALC Master installed" collection should list the computers that SHOULD and DO have iTALC installed.
The "iTALC Master/iTALC Registry configured" collection should list the computers that SHOULD and DO have iTALC installed, as well as already being configured.
The "Not ready for service" collection appears to just be a container. I'm a little confused about the value filter on this one-- it looks like it has a value filter to only show computers that are in the collection itself-- I'm not sure logically what you're expecting to happen here as it seems to translate to "list computers in this collection that are already in this collection"
The "Not ready for service/iTALC Master not installed" collection should list computers that SHOULD have iTALC installed but DON'T have it installed.
The "Not ready for service/iTALC Registry not configured" collection should list computers that SHOULD have iTALC installed but DONT have it configured.
The "Student Computers" collection appears to just be something extra that was exported in addition to your iTALC collections. I am ignoring that collection for the purpose of this post since I assume it's not relevant-- if it is relevant, let me know.
So, here is how I think you should configure it in order to do what you want (names subject to change at your discretion, obviously).
Collection hierarchy:
Should Have iTALC Master Installed
----Does Have iTALC Master Installed
--------Does Have iTALC Master Configured
--------Doesn't Have iTALC Master Configured
----Doesn't Have iTALC Master Installed
The "Should Have iTALC Master installed" collection should have the same filters as your "iTALC Master" collection.
The "Does Have iTALC Master Installed" collection should have the same filters as your "iTALC Master installed" collection, as well as having the "Drill down from parent collection" option selected.
The "Does Have iTALC Master Configured" collection should have the same filters as your "iTALC Registry configured" collection as well as having the "Drill down from parent collection" option selected.
The "Doesn't Have iTALC Master Configured" collection should have a filter like this:
Computer | Collection | Is Not Member | Doesn't Have iTALC Master Configured
It should also have the "Drill down from parent collection" option selected.
The "Doesn't Have iTALC Master installed" collection should have a filter like this:
Computer | Collection | Is Not Member | Does Have iTALC Master Installed
It should also have the "Drill down from parent collection" option selected.
I don't see a use case where you would have a computer where the application is NOT installed but IS configured so I don't see a need for any sub-collections under "Doesn't Have iTALC Master Installed" but if you do need them you should be able to extrapolate how to structure them based on what I wrote above.
Can you try out those settings and let me know if they work?
My apologies for not doing this sooner, but I should probably explain the backstory/context to this. We are a secondary school in the UK, and iTALC is classroom monitoring software. When I talk about configuring iTALC, I am talking about the relevant registry keys that set the authenticated users (all staff). iTALC Master is the actual viewer that sits on the teacher PC in each computer room, allowing the teacher to view the student's screen.
The registry keys have to be applied to all machines, whether they are a master (this sets who can log in to the software), or a student pc (this sets who can see the screen). So all the machines would have the registry configured but not all would have the master application installed. Obviously, all of the machines would at least have the very basic level of iTALC installed.
Not all machines have the master application installed or are even configured need to have the things on there, this is extra PCs like our Digital Signage PCs have the slave installed, also those in my department have the master installed. Though these two examples are nice to know they're there, it's not something that I'm going to worry about if it's not there.
As for the not ready for service collection, that is a collection that feeds back on lots of other collections that report on computers that don't have required things configured.installed (e.g. wrong driver for WoL), if I see a PC in the not ready for service collection, I can then drill down into the subcollections below, and work out what is wrong, without having to search around the whole of my PDQ console.