Silverlight 5.1.50907 Collection
Hi There.
I am trying to setup a Dynamic Collection to Link PDQ Deploy to for Silverlight I have the following setup:
Silverlight - Latest - 5.1.50907 where Application Version Equals 5.1.50907.0 -- this works fine
Silverlight - Old - where Application Version Lower than 5.1.50907.0 -- this collection shows all computers. Though it should show all computers minus the latest version. I have also tried Application Version Does Not Contain 5.1.50907.0 and it still shows all computers.
Not sure why this is not showing the accurate information.
Could you please post screenshots of the collections' filters? I'm having trouble understanding exactly what filters you are using.
Make sure you have two filters. One for the Application Name and one for the Application Version.
The attached image shows the Silverlight (Old) collection from the Collection Library. We are using System Variables. The mouse is hovering over the top (x) so that the variable is expanded.
Hi Shane,
Thanks for the help. That did the trick and the collection shows the correct value counts that I was expecting.