Can't download any packages
About a week ago PDQ deploy stopped letting me download any packages. I now get a red exclamation mark against them in the package list and a note saying
The remote name could not be resolved: 'disabled'
My licence is current so I've no idea why its suddenly stopped. It can see package updates ok it just won't download them
Please check to make sure your background service user has access to the Repository.
If your Repository is on a separate server, are you able to ping it by hostname?
Repository can be accessed fine with the background service user, it sits on a separate hard drive in my pc rather than another server.
I have something else to try.
That didnt work sadly. I can allocate packages that are already in the repository, done 3 this morning and they worked fine. Just wont let me download any new or updated ones.
There is a notice saying there is a new licence available, its for the enterprise version though and I only have a pro subscription. I've installed the new licence and its made no difference. Might be a total re-install job at this rate
This is why you are getting a new license message:
Please contact
Hi, i have the same issue. i cant fully download any PDQ file and my anti virus detect it as harmfull. I dont know why...
I'm having the same issue as well. No packages are downloading. My enterprise license is good through 4/19 and my service account has full access to the repo. AV is fully disabled so that's not it. There haven't been any updates to the software on my end and no updates available. I'm running Any updates on this?
So I had the exact same problem. Nothing was downloading and there were tons of backed up apps. After a lot of testing, it looks like some Adobe flash patches got stuck and killed all downloads behind it. At first, I tried to just cancel those downloads but that didn't work. I had to delete those packages...
Now I have to go back and re-do all my work with schedules. Between random bad downloads and random stuck scanning and random agent issues, I'm seriously considering going back to SCCM.