G Suite Sync for MS Outlook (Google Apps)
GSSMO (formally GASMO- Google Apps Sync for MS Office) is the tool Google created for syncing G Suite/Google Apps accounts to Outlook.
The .msi format, found in the link above under Setup and Install > Install GSSMO > Option 1, installs only the GSSMO tool.
The .exe, option 2 which redirects to the more public download page https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gappssync, includes GSMMO- G Suite Migration for MS Outlook- which is for importing .pst files into a G Suite account.
I primarily use the msi as the Migration tool is rarely needed for us. I have packages for both I can send if desired. The tools come in 32 and 64 bit, which corresponds to the version of Office installed on the client, not the architecture of Windows.
I don't think either msi or exe require additional parameters. Leaving it blank installs the msi silently, and i'm pretty sure the exe as well.
Very simple packages with conditions to check Office's architecture. The only prerequisite besides the correct architecture of Office is that Office is already installed. If Office is not present the installer will fail with an error telling you that Office was not found.