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Zscaler and PDQ

My company is going to be migrating to zscaler for remote connectivity to corporate resources. IT Department currently has a current Enterprise subscription.

While this is fine from a client connecting into resources perspective, PDQ becomes useless while it is being used by remote clients.


As I understand the zscaler architecture, client initiated communication works fine, while server to client does not due to the NAT nature of it.


This brings me to the question of: what ever happened to the Agent after it was deprecated and removed?  This type of situation calls for a Client Agent, or can I put in a request to get the agent tested with zscaler?



Date Votes
  • In the same situation myself, but we are in the testing phase and I don't know much about zscaler.

    Yes, as you said, PDQ basically becomes useless since you cannot reach the machine directly.

    We currently are using a program called Zero Tier to act like a network switch to reach computers with zscaler installed. It's installed on our PDQ Server and then all of the clients.

    But having the Agent would be great to bypass this. I'm not even sure where PDQ Link went either.

  • Same situation here...we have moved to Zscaler Private Access and cannot reach remote machines.

    Lavar Lawrence any new update? Still using Zero Tier?

  • sudhirreddy.dharma. Yes, Still using Zero Tier. 

    Alternative is to use the RAS VPN program PDQ made (

    Zero Tier works well BUT we have 1 major issue. We have to edit the host file on our server for the second IP address that Zero Tier gives and associate that to the computer because it doesn't have DNS. I've automated the process but it is a pain long-term.

    I've tried Zero Tier's dns service in beta but that came with some more issue. So for now we are stuck.

    We hope Zscaler will allow us to get over this hump in the future..... or PDQ releases a new agent.

