Eclipse Temurin JDK 11 32-bit
We are preparing for a "Progress OpenEdge 12.2 32-Bit" deployment, a requirement for the installation is a JDK 11 32-bit environment. Currently that software is not offered by the package library.
Please add this package, so we don't have to update it manually.
Thank you!
Hi Lukas,
I'm sorry this specific package is not currently available. When we've worked with Java developers in the past, we understand that developers typically use a 64-bit JDK compiler to build a program as either a 32bit or 64bit program to be used by the end user with a 64-bit or 32-bit JRE. It's for this reason, that we don't offer a 32-bit JDK, when a 64-bit JDK is able to support both architectures.
I did find this guide from the Software Publisher for Progress OpenEdge 12 and looked up the system requirements and it looks like Java 64bit JDK is the officially supported version for the software. I'd recommend downloading and installing the latest version of Eclipse Temurin JDK 11 64-bit (Formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK) from the Package Library.
Thank you for your reply Chad!
I have tried it with the x64 JDK version, but it isn't accepted by the installer, because in our case we have to use Progress Open Edge 12.2.10 Win 32, and that requires a 32 bit Java environment as well.