PS won't install msixbundle
I'm trying to deploy a msixbundle via PDQ Deploy with a PowerShell script and it isn't working.
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\transcripts\transcript0.txt" -Append
Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Temp\Microsoft.WindowsConfigurationDesigner_2022.1118.0.0.Msixbundle"
The above works just fine if I execute directly on the host but it won't work when using PDQ. The files copy without issue and the logs in PDQ show the start of the transcript but then nothing after. I was only able to get errors from PDQ when adding parameters to the add cmdlet but that didn't help.
I'm thinking the issue may lie in the error handling wrapper scripts but I'm not see a way to resolve. What am I missing?
Does it work without Start-Transcript?
It does not. I added that after it wasn't working to hopefully get something but the following hasn't helped me in the slightest. The script works and installs the application with and without "transcript" when ran locally on the host.
Had to mess with the different Run Modes and that fixed the issue.
What run mode did you end up on?
"Logged on User" did the trick though we needed it installed for all users on the system so we ended up putting it back to the default of "Deploy User (use package setting)" then installed the package with DISM.exe and it worked beautiful.