Deploy Completes Java 6 Uninstall Successfully but the files are still there
Deploy 19.3.365.0
Inventory 19.3.365.0
Using Package Library/Uninstalls/Uninstall Java 6
Created a dynamic collection in PDQ Inventory
Ran Deploy against the collection(two targets) to uninstall Java 6 as a Run Once.
No one was logged into either machine. Rebooted both as a test.
Output Log:
ERROR: The process "iexplore.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "firefox.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "chrome.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "opera.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "jqs.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "java.exe" not found.
ERROR: The process "jp2launcher.exe" not found.
1. Killed browsers/java -- code 128
2. Uninstalled Java 6 (32-..) -- code 1605
3. Uninstalled Java 6 (64-..) -- code 1605
Job ends as Successful 3/3 steps but,
The application is still installed, folders populated and it shows up in Add/Remove programs
Adding the install path on the Windows 10 Enterprise client is,
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\
Do you know how these apps have been installed? Like same PDQ instance, manually, other deployment tool...?
Its more a guess out of the blue, but it might be your deployment-user lacks permissions?
Thanks for the response. We've used PDQ Inv/Deploy for years. I cloned the deployment user as a test, RDP'd and removed one by hand with no issue. So, it's probably not that. I opened a ticket with support. Working through the process that way. If we ever figure it out, I'll post that answer here for the next person.
Cory figured it out.
For the next person - Java 6 u45 had a different GUID than what the installers were trying to remove
Cory gave me the fix and it worked perfectly. Just edited the uninstall package and added it to the 32-bit section,
MsiExec.exe /qn /norestart /X{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83216045F0}