New Package - Cisco Webex Document Loader
Hello all you wonderful people at PDQ. I would like to see if it might be possible to add another Cisco Webex package to the current list of offerings. This would be for the Cisco Webex Document Loader installation. This is an additional tool/add-on for Webex which allows for sharing files during a Webex meeting. It does not allow for a standard user to install. So it must be installed with administrative privileges.
Information about the installation file and other details can be found at the links below:
The parameters for a silent install are very straightforward since the install file is a MSI. So the command line string is as follows: msiexec.exe /i "WDLInstall.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log
More than happy to answer any questions or anything.