Deploy Reboot package fails instantly
Just trying to Reboot a PC with the Deploy Reboot step. Need to restart all our PC's on a schedule and it fails with no error with in a second. I also built a bat file with the shutdown -r -f and I run the bat file from a test PC and it works, but try and put the bat file in as a step and it fails? I tried setting it from pull to push, tried different deploy stumped.
What reason is it giving for the failure?
no error,
Does your PDQ Deploy service account have local admin on the target machine?
Yes, both accounts I tried have Local Admin rights
I dont have to have another step of some kind in the package do I? Can I run the Reboot as a the only step?
Also I just used Inventory, tools, to reboot my test PC and it rebooted fine,
My reboot package looks exactly like yours except I have 1 second before reboot vs 30. On the Package options, who is the Run As?

deploy user is run as
And the Run As user is the same account you have running in PDQ Inventory?
figured it out thanks..
set run as Local system
I've never had to run as Local System before. Glad you got it figured out!