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Package Request: Citrix Enterprise Browser


Citrix Workspace App contains a chromium Browser > Security flaws apply.

As of October 2023 Citrix adresses the issue by releasing stand-alone updates, thus pushing responsibility to sysadmins to take care of the risk.

Sub-releases of CWA do not contain these updates as of now. It might even be the case that sub releases roll back the manual update - I have not testet this. The current release 2309 and 2309.1 both come with the outated v117.

Download Link: > Navigate to Citrix Enterprise Browser (exists for mac and windows)

Silent Parameter: --silent

Regarding the legal part I would assume since you are allowed to offer CWA thi should not be an issue, but I can't say for sure. 

The offered stand-alone update has the following behaviour: only runs if compatible with the installed CWA version and if no higher version has already be installed. This part I consider well designed.

My Configuration for custom package:

"Matches Expression" Value field needs to be replaced by a Variable.



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