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Invalid account problems


I'm running PDQ Deploy 9 R2 Free Mode, and I keep running into the "Invalid Service Account, Account Name and/or Password is Invalid or Does Not Exist" error on a few PCs when deploying software. I'm using the same domain admin account for all other PCs, and when I use the "Test Credentials" tool and point to the problem PCs, the test is successful. In addition, I'm also using PDQ Inventory 9 R2 Free Mode with the same domain account, and these same PCs can be scanned without issue. The only time I receive the error is when trying to deploy anything. I also checked the Local Security policy on one of the PCs in question, and Domain Admins have log on as a service permissions.

Any ideas on what could be causing this? I'm at a loss.



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  • This topic can be closed. Turns out just taking the PCs off the domain and re-adding them fixed the problem.
