Uninstall Visio 2007 Pro
I love this app its great and simply does the installs in no time. I figured out easily how to install software but my main issue is to uninstall.
I installed visio 2007 and ms office 2007 via PDQ Deploy but cant get to uninstall. Please help
My Uninstall XML
<Configuration Product="VisPro">
<Display Level="none" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />
<Setting Id="Reboot" Value="Never" />
Thanks for the kind words.
You're on the right track. Some applications can be difficult to silently uninstall and Microsoft Office products are rather picky.
To do this from the free mode of PDQ Deploy, I would recommend using a .bat file. Refer to the image below. I have four windows. One shows the contents of a bat file. (it's only a 1 line script). The script will call the setup exe in %CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE12\Office Setup Controller directory (if you are uninstalling from a 64 bit OS you would use %CommonProgramFiles(x86)% variable). I also am passing some arguments. My entire command line is:
You can see the contents of the config.xml file in the screenshot too. I keep config.xml and RemVisio.bat in a folder on my C:\ drive.
I select the the RemVisio.bat as my Installer File and I check the Include Entire Directory so that the config.xml file is also copied down. During a deployment your Installer File (and any other included files/ directories) are copied down to the target computers in the %WINDIR%\PDQDeployRunner directory. For the most part this will be in directory 1\exec but the 1 can increment to 2 or 3 depending on concurrent deployments to the target machine. Generally 1\exec is appropriate.
I will attach a zip file containing these files including the PDQ Deploy Installer called "Uninstall Visio 2007 Pro.xml". Import this into PDQ Deploy (File > Import). You will need to change the Installer File directory to reflect the appropriate dir holding your bat and config.xml files.
Keep in mind that this example only works for Visio 2007 Pro. For other versions of Visio you will need to modify the /VISPRO argument appropriately.
worked with me thanks a lot
I am having a similar issue to this, except I am trying to do this for Visio Pro 2010.
Any suggestions on how to do it? I am following this as close as I can tell. I have attached my .xml and bat files to compare.
I have tried with a share on the PDQ Deploy servers, as well as a remote share but still no luck.
I can see the Setup.exe launching on the PC I am pushing to, but seems to hang there for upto an hour.
Can this be done by using a command option when building a package?
I managed to get the uninstall running for MS Visio 2010 Premium.
I found out that the file location of the xml is not correct anymore.
Use the path below or try pointing to the xml on a UNC path. Didn't try that but I think that should work as well.
The correct location of the copied xml would be:
Brilliant Joost, this worked for me. I did need to set the Deployment Package to Local User.
The story was I had 1 unlicenced Viso 2010 user who refused to respond to emails for me to uninstall Visio - and now she no longer has Visio. Great Program, thanks.
I am trying to follow this same process in uninstalling MS Visio Premium 2010. Does anyone still have the xml files and bat file to accomplish this by chance? I have several that I am needing to uninstall and others that I will need to change the Premium key to a Standard key.