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a setup.exe calls another msi file, causes in errors like..

Product: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client -- Error 1316. A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file: C:\Windows\PDQDeployRunner\1\exec\Msi\Client\Client.msi

Product: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client -- Error 1308. Source file not found: C:\Windows\PDQDeployRunner\1\exec\Msi\Client\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics\4.0\Client\Bin\AxSysEN-ZA.ktd. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.

Product: Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Client -- Error 1309. Error reading from file: C:\Windows\PDQDeployRunner\1\exec\Msi\Client\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Repostry\Install\dbm.rdm. System error 3. Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.#


we think, that after starting the setup exe a msi executable was started by the setup.exe. so the setup.exe calls to the pdq-program that its routine was finished and call back a success-notification. after getting the success notification pdq deletes all the data in the pdq file from the client. so the msi file cannot execute. does anyone know how we can fix that problem?

thank you for help.



Date Votes
  • The problem you facing is so annoying you can resolve it by doing following steps
    - Clean Windows Registry
    - Download and Install Windows Installer Cleanup Utility
    - Modify registry information related to Windows Installer
    - Grant Full Access to Concerning File.
    I am also sharing a article like tutorial where you will find whole detail of given
    steps to get rid from this error

    Wish you best of luck

  • Hi Edv, 

    Whenever i encounter an issue with installations that require "original" files, i end up having to just script a batch program. 

    With your issue, this is what i would do. 

    Create a batch file with the following example lines:


    cd \

    mkdir temp

    xcopy "\\server\pdqdeploy\AX4.0Client\" "C:\temp\" /S /E /Q /H /Y 



    Basically, first and second lines would allow you to create a temporary working folder to copy all the install files needed. 

    Third line copies all installation file(s) needed for the install

    Fourth line runs the setup - you need to insert whatever parameters you'd like to make it a silent install.

    The next batch file would be at the end or rather at the end of the deploy package that is to perform the cleanup. 

    rmdir c:\temp /S /Q


    Cleans the directory, and deletes it (without prompts)


    i recommend this method only because you have full control over where the files go, and of course, when to remove it. 

    good luck! 
