Problem deploying Flash 11.14.402.287
Hi all,
I downloaded your installer for the newest Flash Player (thanks for providing them) but I cannot install it on any of my computers. All I get is Error 1603. I tried the installation on XP SP3 and Windows 7 (x86 and x64) machines.
The .278 version worked perfectly on all of them.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
We've seen this error for a couple of reasons. Please see if the targets are already at the newest level. If you pushed before with PDQ Deploy (using our pre-built installer) then the auto-update should not be active. Please see if the systems are upgrading themselves. Also, please reboot a target system that is failing (after verifying the version) and see if a new PDQ push still shows the same error.
what exactly do you mean by "newest level"? The clients are up to date with Microsoft patches, the Flash version is .278.
None of the clients I deployed with .278 seems to auto-update (as of today). Reboot didn't help.
A side effect of the problem is, that uninstalling the old version of Flash works, so the targets I tested on now have no Flash at all. Reinstalling .278 fails.
If you need more information please let me know.
Check the existance of \\computer-name\ADMIN$\System32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg or C:\Windows\System32\Macromed\Flash\mms.cfg
its a text file, which can contan the following settings:
AutoUpdateDisable if set to 1, disables the automatic update of flash.
SilentAutoUpdateEnable just says how is the update handled when its enabled (ie. AutoUpdateDisable=0) silently or with the GUI requesting update.
The defaults are both 0
Shawn asked you if it is possible, that the computers already have the latest flash version which is at this moment the 11.4.402.287
The full installes are available here:
bonus - ShockWave
Silen installation is performed by using -install as the switch for flash and /S for ShockWave
Hello all,
sorry for the delay.
Problem still exists, new version 11.5 doesn't work either.
The mms.cfg file exists on all of the machines with these settings
Renaming the file didn't help. The machines I try to deploy remote definitely have version 11.4.402.278 installed.
these settings mean that Falsh updates itself automatically.
Get the uninstaller from here and run it prior new deployment.
I mean Flash, not Falsh... typo
The silent switch for the uninstall flash player app is "-uninstall".
The silent switch for the uninstall flash player app is "-uninstall".
Good morning,
the news:
I downloaded the uninstaller and ran it on my machine as SelfMan suggested. After a reboot Flash was gone (Plugin and ActiveX).
Deployment would still fail with error 1603.
Manual install using the downloaded msi failed with message "installax.exe is not marked for installation" (both plugin and ActiveX).
Some searching brought me to this site: As suggested there I searched the registry, deleted the offending entries and after that installation and deployment worked.
That's nice but somehow I can't see how this can be done on more than 100 PCs at six different locations. Any ideas as to why the deployment suddenly stopped working?
On a side note: deployment on machines running Flash 11.4.402.265 works fine.
I've never had such an issue, but thanks for the feedback.