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Says 'Failed' But Was Infact Successful?

I'm new to Deploy and just working out which software packages we use, I can deploy out easily. Upon testing i've noticed a couple that will say 'Failed' in the console but then when you check on the target, the software has actually installed successfully.

One example if this is Counterpath Bria. I've attached an export log if anyone knows what to look for. It works, but it would be nice to actually see successful so that i know if something has failed then it genuinely has failed/



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  • Hi Andy, 

    Some programs will indeed show a failed if the program is already installed. 

    Much as if you already had the software installed on the target machine, and running the installation program will throw an error. 

    e.g. "This program is already installed, cannot continue installation". 

    Did you make sure that the target machine did not have it installed prior to deployment? 

    If so, then hmmmm. 

  • I was installing it from fresh, so it was not already installed, no.

  • Some installers will return various codes for successful conditions.  Sometimes these codes are just warnings, which can be ignored.  For example, 3010 typically means that the installer succeeded but the computer will need to be rebooted.  As TonsOfFun mentioned some codes mean that the program is already installed.

    You can edit the "Success Codes" in the package to have certain codes treated as success instead of fail. You can see the codes that were returned by looking at the individual computers in the deployment, you will see "Installer returned code: ####".  Just add it to the Success Codes once you're sure that you can safely treat it as a success.

  • I'll run the installer myself later but i imagine it will be a code to say you need to reboot. Thanks a lot.

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