Access denied with PDQ Deploy
Hello! After I've updated PDQ Deploy from to I'm not able to deploy programs since I got this error message: "Access denied - Failed to read file on source". I've realized that the security options on the folders for the deployment domain user are read/write but not "Complete control" nor "Execute". Is this behaviour something desired? I cannot change the privileges on the repository folder since it's in a low cost NAS.
Thank you for your help!
do you have the same account on the computer nad the NAS? Is this a Domain network?
Yes, it's a domain network and the username is known from a NAS point of view, but doesn't have "execute" privileges
Just teoretically, could it be that it som hidden issue of the NAS? Try to create a shared folder on a computer and deploy from that.
Thanks for the help, SelfMan. I've tried saving the msi to a proper shared folder hosted in a server and it works. THe only difference I can see is that, in this last case, the deployment user had full privileges on the file. The strange thing is that it used to work smoothly before updating PDQ Deploy to 2.1.1
See if the Log On of the PDQDeploy service has changed to Local System (use the Windows services control panel). If it has you can fix it by stopping the service and then starting the PDQ Deploy console. We've had a couple reports of this happening and have implemented a fix for the next update.
Thanks Adam, that was exactly what happened. After switching back to a network account, everything worked again. Thank you for the support!
Had the same issue, it had to do with a change of password and the need to restart the background service once the password was corrected in credentials.