Can PDQ Deploy Handle Software Required Restarts?
Can PDQ Deploy handle software required restarts and continue with the rest of the Package??
Example: I have to install 3 prerequisites for a new Piece of software, 2 prerequisites are installed without a reboot, the third has to reboot before the package can install the full software.
I know PDQ deploy has a new Sleep feature, but can it span a reboot.. If the reboot takes 5-7 minutes and we sleep for 9 can PDQ deploy reconnect to the computer and continue the install or will it fail every time?
Not at this point. Even during a sleep step a connection needs to be maintained. Once that connection is severed the deployment ends. We are considering adding this feature.
Thanks for the Feedback.. I appreciate it
I just finished watching a few of your recent webcasts on silent uninstalls and custom packages. So, for this question, even if it's a nested package, you would not be able to do a reboot between packages because they are still in a single package? Or has this changed at all since the above reply in 2013? Thank you.