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Deploying Veeam Endpoint Backup Free

It installer seems to work perfectly after 1.1 was released. Even installs .net 4.0 if needed!

The program is installed on the workstation, however the console still says running. :(

The package runs forever, and never completes even tho it is done.

Anyways to know when it really completes?



Date Votes
  • Hi Aaron,

    Not sure if you are still having this issue, but if so, would you attach a screenshot of the command you're using to install VEB?

  • We tested this here with the latest version of Veeam Endpoint Backup using the current version of Deploy, 7.1, and was able to run that without replicating the run-forever scenario. The installation succeeded.

    We followed the following steps:

    1. Downloaded the VEB program, extracted the .exe installer
    2. Following the instructions here: we pointed to the VeeamEndpointBackup_1.1.2.119.exe, set the Parameters to /silent and ended up with a command line that looked like: VeeamEndpointBackup_1.1.2.119.exe /silent
    3. We ran the deployment: one on a Windows 7 machine, the other on a Windows 8 machine. Both installed in just over 1.5 minutes.
  • I did not have any issues with it "running for ever". Tested on few computers (all Win7).

    Just used the /silent parameter. as stated in the instructions from Veeam.

    Used PDQ Deploy v

    Remember to add 1000 as a success code if you dont want false errors in your log. (it wont help on the running for ever problem)
