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Not sure where I can post stuff like this. Dell Drivers automagically

I had a really hard time looking for an easy way to download drivers onto a system.  My company has Dell equipment.  If you are looking for an easy way to get downloads for all the dell drivers and keep them updated on your system here is how I found to do it (Please correct me if you know a better way or I am doing this wrong).

1.  Go and download the Dell CommandUpdate


2. The silent Parameter to use with it is "/s"

This software comes with a command line interface for batch scripting...... here is the reference's%20Guide_en-us.pdf

3. The simple version of the batch script is simply

start /wait /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dell\CommandUpdate" dcu-cli.exe

4. Run that through PDQ Deploy

5. Reboot






Date Votes
  • Excellent! I'm already using inventory to find machines with out of date Bios's, and was about start scripting an update script. This has just saved me a bunch of work!

  • As a note, it would be more efficient to set up an auto deploy with this as well.  Thus always keeping your machines up-to-date.
