Exe installer woes
Hello Everyone,
I am trying to deploy an exe that should install 3 applications for a 3d printer, (updater, Controller, and slicer)
after extracting the exe, it does not technically "Contain" an MSI installer.
It has .rsrc .rdata .data, etc...
/? on the exe returns
/S Hide initialization Dialog. For silent mode use: /S /v/qn
/V parameters to MsiExec.exe
/UA<url to InstmsiA.exe
/UW<url to InstMsiW.exe>
/UM<url to msi package>
/US<url to IsScript.msi>
When i run the command
installer.exe /S /vqn
Under domain admin, in an elevated command prompt the application installs successfully.
installer.exe /S /v"/qnL*V "C:\InstallLog.log""but hangs in PDQ.
Try escaping the inner quotes
Also, naming the log "output.log" will make PDQ show it in the deployment results
Neither command produced a log file, both on C:\ or within PDQ.
Each spawned a single MSI process under the Deploy User, but the applications did not install.