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/update with MSIEXEC

I'm not sure if this is a bug or lack of my knowledge with variables in PDQ. I was attempting to run an install with an MSI and apply a patch. I use this method quite often and just started using PDQ Deploy. Below is the command line I was attempting to use from the install module in a package I was building. It's the default plus /update .msp added

msiexec.exe /i "<MSI File>.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log /update <MSP File>.MSP

No matter how I tweaked the command I would always get a 1635 error which meant MSIEXEC couldn't find the MSP file. I did have it in the "Additional Files" and watching the cache folder I could see both the MSI and the MSP was getting copied. For testing I add the full path to the MSP file but since the service-n folder may have a different number I couldn't use that. I spent over an hour trying different way to get it to see the MSP file but it always came back to 1635. I got my install to push out by using a Command window with the coding below.

set cdir=%~dp0

msiexec.exe /i "<MSI FIle>.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log /update %cdir%<MSP File>.MSP


Was I missing a variable? Did I run into a bug? I'm not sure what I'm missing here.



Date Votes
  • Hi Thomas,

    Did you find the solution to building this package?  Are you attempting to use an install step or a command step?  Can you attach a screenshot of the package that you've built so far?  

  • I was attempting to use the install step but got it to work by using a command step and telling msiexec where the MSP file the full path of where PDQ put the file. I did this by using %~dp0

  • Here is a screenshot
