Adobe Acrobat DC Auto Deployment With Leave PDF Ownership
Any possible way to add a DC Package that doesn't hijack the PDF ownership away from Acrobat?
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Any possible way to add a DC Package that doesn't hijack the PDF ownership away from Acrobat?
I am going to move this request to the PDQ Deploy Questions forum since the workaround / fix requires manually modifying a package.
You are probably going to be best served by utilizing the LEAVE_PDFOWNERSHIP property. This MSI property was included (by Adobe) to instruct Reader how to handle the default app setting. You can modify the Parameters field in the Adobe Reader DC package to leave the PDF ownership with an existing program/setting. To do that add the parameter LEAVE_PDFOWNERSHIP=YES. It would need to be included after the /msi parameter. If you use the package we provide the entire Parameters field would like this:
We don't have plans to add a special package just for this feature since most of our customers (who deploy Adobe Reader) want it to be the default PDF reader.
Also, bear in mind that Windows 8.x and 10 both make it quite difficult to truly enforce default apps since these versions of Windows make it so that default apps are maintained per user. Even with this property passed a user will most likely be presented with an option to change or keep the default PDF app.
Right and this works perfectly fine for custom deployments but how would i modify the package of a Auto Deployment?