Feature Request - Deploy new package to failed from the deploy computer list
From time to time I when Auto Deploy sends updates I'll get the lovely MSI Error 1603: I can see in my list the failed vs successful (pic 1). I think the ability to highlight the failed - right click and hit Deploy (pic2) so I can PICK what to deploy would be a fantastic addition. I don't want to ReDeploy because that'll likely just fail again.. I'd like the ability to highlight the three failed, right click, hit deploy, and easily deploy the Uninstall All for that application, and than redeploy the update. Hopefully that makes sense...
I think one way to handle this would be to have a method to "Create New Deployment From Failed", with the ability to then attach a package to that deployment.
Yes, something like that would be perfect, just a slim line way to deploy from Failed Packages. The example in my Pics was for the Adobe Flash for IE. It failed on 3 computers but that number could've been more. As soon as deployed the Uninstall Adobe Flash Player - ALTERNATE, and redeployed the Adobe Flash for IE, it installed on all three.
There is the Redeploy to Failed Computers option if you right click on a deployment with failed machines in it. A way to modify packages from that screen would be all that is needed.