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Date Votes
  • Added both 32-bit and 64-bit

  • Hey i have a question:

    how did you manage the associate with 7-zip?


    I tryd that with a registry snapshot. 420 entry ...:-(

  • Again me,


    i solved it today.

    I just added a installation step in your 7Zip Package with a commandline.


    Regards from Germany


  • REM This is 7zext.bat
    @echo off

    SET SC=HKLM\Software\Classes
    SET Extn=001-9 7z-0 arj-4 bz2-2 bzip2-2 cab-7 cpio-7 deb-11 dmg-17 gz-14 fat-21 gz-14 gzip-14 hfs-18 iso-8 lha-6 lzh-6 lzma-16 ntfs-22 rar-3 rpm-10 split-9 squashfs-24 swm-15 tar-13 taz-5 tbz-2 tbz2-2 tgz-14 tpz-14 txz-23 vhd-20 wim-15 xar-19 xz-23 z-5 zip-1
    REM Version 9.20 checked from registry and altered. 1 differences: now cpio-12, removal split-9, addition: gz-14
    SET Extn=001-9 7z-0 arj-4 bz2-2 bzip2-2 cab-7 cpio-12 deb-11 dmg-17 fat-21 gz-14 gzip-14 hfs-18 iso-8 lha-6 lzh-6 lzma-16 ntfs-22 rar-3 rpm-10 squashfs-24 swm-15 tar-13 taz-5 tbz-2 tbz2-2 tgz-14 tpz-14 txz-23 vhd-20 wim-15 xar-19 xz-23 z-5 zip-1

    FOR %%j IN (%Extn%) DO (
     FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=-" %%A IN ("%%j") DO (
      REG ADD %SC%\.%%A /VE /D "7-Zip.%%A" /F
      REG ADD %SC%\7-Zip.%%A /VE /D "%%A Archive" /F
      REG ADD %SC%\7-Zip.%%A\DefaultIcon /VE /D "%PROGRAMFILES%\7-Zip\7z.dll,%%B" /F
      REG ADD %SC%\7-Zip.%%A\shell\open\command /VE /D "\"%PROGRAMFILES%\7-Zip\7zFM.exe\" \"%%1\"" /F

  • why not use the MSI installer over the EXE?...
