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Date Votes
  • Echoing this - super simple and powerful utility that would benefit from the exposure

  • Hey all,

    Thanks for your suggestions. We have added WinDirStat 1.1.2 to the Package Library.

    The reason for the delay was the fact that WinDirStat is rarely updated and that the installation is a little odd. The default installation installs the application in the Program Files directory which means it is available to All Users however the shortcut was only placed on the installing user's desktop AND the uninstall registration with Windows was placed in the installing user's registry hive. We have added additional steps to the this package to resolve these last two concerns.

    We add the Uninstall information to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. This means that Inventory programs such as PDQ Inventory will see this as an installed application even if the installing user is not logged on. It also means that it can be uninstalled from the Control Panel by any administrator.

    By default the WinDirStat shortcut is copied to each profile's Desktop directory unless the target machine is Windows 10. To get around this we added a step that will copy the WinDirStat shortcut to the %PUBLIC%\Desktop on Windows 10 computers.
