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GoToMeeting video codec

I have to install a GoToMeeting video codec for everybody in my office in order for them to be able to view recorded meetings.  It would be awesome to be able to deploy the code to all of the systems instead of having to install one by one.  I tried creating a package for it myself, but that didn't seem to work very well.  So if anybody might be able to help, that would be awesome.



Date Votes
  • Is the video codec installer similar to GoToMeeting where it wants to be installed per user profile and not per machine? There has been some discussion about GoToMeeting and how painful the installer is to work with.

    After some poking around online it looks like the silent parameter is:

  • The codec installer is different from the GoToMeeting installer, its just a standard exe.  I wasn't able to fine the silent parameter online, so thanks for that.  I just added that to my package that I had created and it seems to have worked on my test machine.  I am going to test it on a larger scale now.  Thanks for you help, and quick response.

  • Apart from gotomeeting, you may have a  look at on premise R-HUB web conferencing servers. There is no need to install any seperate video codec for viewing recorded meetings. You may try the same.
