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Not planned

Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7/8/8.1


Would be useful if this was available..

What do others think?



1 comment
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  • Hi Liam,

    Due to the number of different Use Cases this would probably be better as a package that you build for your own environment and needs.


    Above is a screenshot of an RSAT package that I use. The first 6 Install steps install RSAT respective to the version and architecture of Windows on each target. Each version and architecture is configured via the O/S Version and Architecture conditions under the Conditions tab. The last 5 Command Steps run DISM.exe to enable the RSAT features. There are many, many options to choose from as far as RSAT features to enable. For this package I only install the Active Directory tools and snapins. You can also use a Powershell script (via the Install Step) to enable these. To find the exact feature names that you can enable go to a computer that has the RSAT tools installed and run the following command:

    dism /online /get-features

    Look for the RemoteServerAdministrationTools features. Remember that the actual Feature Names are case sensitive.




    Let me know if you'd like a little more help with this.
